Sunday, July 24, 2005

my second fitting with Veluz

we went to Veluz today to fit the lining of my gown. i was with my twin sisters and my mom. we were running a bit late, but thank goodness we got there at the appointed time as there was no traffic.

i was initially entertained by Niko, Veluz' assistant. this was the first time i was introduced to him and he seemed nice. since Veluz had to attend to something first, Niko took measurements of my feet for the custom-made shoes that is included in the bridal package. he then showed me a couple of options for the straps and front of the shoes. i chose a pointed tip to be embroidered with the same design as my gown, with cross-ankle straps for a sexy look. perfect for the garter removal! hehe... ;) very classic yet modern style. love it! :D

Image swiped from veluz.bizImage swiped from

we also discussed the style of the bag that was to be made and agreed on the pear shaped style. the same embroidery design will be used. both shoes and bag will make use of the same cloth that i will also be using for my gown. how's that for uniformity? :)

my 2nd fittingand finally, my fitting. yup, i can really say i was more dazed this morning than i was in my previous fitting. again, the fit was exact. Veluz only had to adjust at the sides of the bodice. nothing more. the form was, as she said, symmetrical and that we didn't even need a third fitting anymore. she told me also that she could already make the pattern for the embroidery this week and that i should drop by again next Sunday to pick it up. but just to be sure, since i will be going to her house na rin lang, i can fit it once again then.

yup, everything is going as scheduled (except of course for the documentation thingy). we might be going to Lumban the following week to meet with Veluz' embroiderers. Veluz also promised to make the sketches for the gowns of the entourage this week. i'm glad that she liked the styles that i showed her. :D

more pictures of the second fitting can be found HERE.



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