Friday, November 23, 2007

On Tutoring

When I was a kid, I did not require much tutoring because I was the sort of person who loved doing her homework and made sure they were done ahead of time. In short, I loved going to school! In my brother's case, however, all he seemed to be interested in was playing. I think that is how boys really are.

When we were in grade school, he always had to stay back to finish his work in Math and Algebra. He also needed homework help. He needed a tutor but unfortunately, we couldn't afford one so my mom had to do all the hard work with him.

Had online tutoring been available at that time (in the 80's) it would have been a great help to all students struggling with school work. The extra load on my mom would have also been lifted. Children these days are lucky because there is so much that we can offer to them now.



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