Thursday, April 14, 2005

tentative date

joseph and i have decided to schedule our civil wedding tentatively on the 26th of August, 2005. that's a Friday. we would have wanted to have it on a weekend so people can attend the little reception that my mom will be hosting. but since it is normally officiated by a judge, we may have no choice but to follow the law.


in line with dates, i encountered this site on feng shui. i think someone mentioned this in w@w. anyway, i found out that 22 December 2005 is not an auspicious day to get married. by auspicious, they mean that it is "indicative of future success or full of promise." therefore, if it is inauspicious, it is an "unfavorable day which must be avoided at all costs."

yeah, whatever! hehe! as for 26 August 2005, they say it's an auspicious day to tie the knot. in that case, i guess you can call it quits then. haha!



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