Saturday, April 16, 2005

our rings!

i never really got down to posting pictures of our wedding bands and the engagement ring that joseph gave me when he formally proposed a day before the pamamanhikan in december. (just mentioning it got me a little misty-eyed there.)

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we bought the bands from karat world at 50% discount. if you noticed, we got a matching two-tone pair with NO rocks. since they are going to be worn everyday for the rest of our lives together, we didn't want something too fancy. just something simple yet classy-looking without having to worry if the rocks will be missing 10-20 years from now, with all the wear and tear.

joseph bought my engagement ring in oz. it's a unique ring actually. not like the usual ones with the big diamond in the middle. it consists of 2 rings -- one with the arch of small diamonds, and another with the rosette of 3 diamonds naman. it's set on white gold, which is what i really wanted.

i'm happy with our rings. can't wait to wear them together.



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