Friday, October 24, 2008

The Things That Parents Do

Living in the technology age has its advantages and disadvantages. The Internet has certainly has its perks, but of course, as with everyday normal life, there will always be bad elements out there. The WWW is a good tool, of course, if used responsibly. It is so much a part of my life, and I am sure it will also be the same for the future generation, if not more. The little girl may be far too young now to enjoy the benefits of having an internet connection. But when she is old enough, I reckon I will become the paranoid mom every mom becomes when they see their kids chatting and surfing online. I am afraid I may have to use a keylogger just to monitor her daily logs. It's not really something I would want to resort to, but, hey, a parent's got to do what she's got to do!



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