Tuesday, November 9, 2004

first time

finally! a blog of my own... it took me a while to get started because the darn site keeps telling me that my preferred URL(s) is/are already unavailable. i was really stumped! i ended up including my sweetie's name to end my misery. hehe!
i'm not really sure what goes on in writing one's blog. i've had a couple blogs from my hipstir and myspace accounts. but i think this is entirely different because there is so much you can do with it. the possibilities are endless.

since we're on the subject of "first times," this is THE first time i'll be announcing over the web on the net. yup, this is it! i'm getting married!!! :-) i never thought it would ever come to me. but i guess everyone deserves to be happy also once in a while. i am really excited but still quite dazed. everything has happened quite fast and sometimes i have to pinch myself to see if all is true. so in the next entries, you'll be reading a little about the wedding preparations aside from the usual stories-of-my-life bit.

bed time now for me. had 5 patients today. i can't imagine how my colleagues can manage to see 7-8 patients in a day. maybe it's the age. hehe! :P

ta-tah! till next entry... :-)



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