Monday, November 29, 2004

different kind of christmas

this year, i'll be spending christmas in my hometown of Bogo in Cebu. it's a town 100 kms north of the queen city of the south. haven't been there in years. i think it was before the millenium even started. now that i look back, that is a long time ago.

christmas was supposed to be spent here in manila, like all the other christmases that passed before. but because my grandmother suffered from a hip fracture just a few months back, her doctor had advised her not to travel yet. so, to bring the family together, we're the ones going home.

it's sad in a way because we were really sprucing up the house a bit for the pamamanhikan on the 18th, hoping that everyone will be here to celebrate the momentous occasion. my grandparents won't be here to witness it. too bad. :-( oh well, things happen for a reason, i guess. for now, that remains a mystery.

i'll only be gone for 4 days max. can't afford to stay long in cebu because my fiance is also waiting for me in manila. we are hoping to maximize our time together since we rarely get to see each other and be with each other for a whole month.

speaking of coming home, there's only 2 weeks left before my sweetie comes home. can't wait. ;-)



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