Saturday, November 20, 2004

THE church

the parish of st. james the great in alabang Posted by Hello

finally, i breathe a sigh of relief as i was able to reserve a date for our upcoming wedding. we decided to hold it on the 22nd of december 2005, since all weekends of december were already filled up. the available fridays were either too early or too late. so we ended up with a thursday.

it makes a whole lot of difference having a date for the wedding. prior to this, i was a little panicky having no date yet. now, we have to book a venue for the reception. this will narrow our choices to the alabang area. hopefully, when my fiance comes home in december, we can book it already.

i've attached a picture of the church. i took this when i went there to reserve for the date. my mom and i fell in love with it instantly. we paid immediately since there were no doubts as to the beauty and elegance that the church boasted of.

i had mixed emotions when i first saw it. it finally dawned on me that i was no longer a kid and that i was soon going to enter another phase in my life. it was just overwhelming.



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