Monday, February 6, 2006

our humble home

finally, my dear husband has taken photos of our new home. it's a little bit bare (but functional!), with J desiring to achieve the "minimalist" look. but, it looks good! more than what i expected, believe me. :)

check out pictures of our home by clicking here.


with the recent temporary absence of our household help G, i had to do my share na rin with the household chores. yes, i am on my way to being a full-pledged domesticated housewife. practice kuno! LOL!

i am such a neat freak so cleaning is proving to be quite therapeutic! :)


speaking of our household help G, she's been gone for more than a week now, to give birth to a big baby girl. i said big, because the baby weighed 6 lbs and 16 oz at eight months of pregnancy and so G had to be induced to deliver the baby early. unfortunately, G had Gestational Diabetes.

i never knew you could have diabetes while being pregnant. what's frightening is the fact that more expectant mothers today are afflicted by it. this i found out in my newlyweds' egroup. i hope i don't get it when the time comes.

anyway, the baby is coming home soon and our family decided to give them a little surprise.

it was fun shopping for all those baby stuff. in a way, i was secretly fantasizing it was OUR baby that was coming home. practice ulit! hehe...



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