Thursday, February 2, 2006

love month

the love month is here! with Valentine's Day just looming ahead, it makes me think if i'll ever be with J to spend that special day with him... i am still crossing my fingers!


i went to my doctor yesterday for my last dose of medication. much to my surprise, it did not sting that much. not enough to remind me of my worries, that is.

yes, i bid farewell to my OB and asked for her recommendations as to what to do once i'm all settled in Oz. to my chagrin, it is still surgery. she even told me how things are in Canberra when it came to these things. it felt like she was discouraging me to see an OB there and instead, go to Sydney because more doctors there were more inclined to perform a laparoscopy.

when i told Joseph about it, he was disappointed that my doctor could say those things. He thought that my doctor didn't think Australian doctors were good enough to handle my case.

sometimes, i actually don't know what to make of it anymore. what i do know at the moment though is that we will continue to stick to my plan of not undergoing surgery and just to try the next few months conceiving the natural way. who knows what the future holds? i am still hopeful.



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