Saturday, January 5, 2008

Just Another Meme

1. Name one thing you do everyday.
Take care of the little girl. And that includes feeding & bathing her, changing her nappies and playing with her as well.

2. Name two things you wish you could learn.
Drive in Australia (meaning, being able to drive on the left side of the road using a manual car).
Cook a variety of dishes.

3. Name three things that remind you of your childhood.
Riding my bicycle.
The beaches of Cebu.

4. Name four things you love to eat but rarely do.
Green mango and bagoong
Kinilaw (using tangigue, jackfruit, puso ng saging)
Jollibee's value meals

5. Name five things that make you feel good.
Watching my little girl grow up
Going to the mall
having a little bit of 'ME' time

Feel free to tag yourself on this. :)



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