Monday, January 21, 2008

Dreaming of Italy

the Colosseum in Rome; photo courtesy of Wikitravel.orgThere is something about Europe that intrigues me so much. And because of that, it still remains to be a dream destination to me. One of the top European countries that is a must-see for me is Italy. All that history and architecture is so amazing that I really do need to see it with my very own eyes to appreciate it more.

Maybe someday we will be able to take that wonderful trip to this very romantic country. I am sure we will be booking a room in a hotel in every major city so Hotels Italiano is the best booking site to consult about a Roma hotel, a Firenze hotel, a Milano hotel, and a Venezia hotel. Hotel hopping is also a fave of J so that will be exciting as well. We better save up for that trip so that we can visit Italy soon. :)



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