Friday, January 20, 2006

house hunting

i love house hunting! what's different this time is that J and I get to do it online. aren't we lucky to be living in this day and age of internet surfing? :)

one thing i did not realize before was that it's whole different ballgame when you're in Australia. it's like you're applying for a job! the house owners check your references, your employment and civil status, to name a few. they can be real picky, i tell you. we have submitted a handful of applications now to different home owners and we have yet to get their approval(s).

here is a picture of our dream house. this has yet to be the neatest house and lot i've seen so far as most residential lots in Oz generally have BIG bushes all around. (i honestly hate bushes! LOL!) the place is so lovely i hope we could get it.

picture swiped from AllHomes.Com.Au



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