Monday, November 28, 2005

tagged again!

i can't sleep. buti na lang holiday bukas. i overslept during one of my rarest afternoon naps and now i am so wide awake.

and so i decided to blog-hop. stumbled into Jacq's and found out i was tagged. here goes.

2 names you go by

2 parts of your heritage
a little bit Spanish, a little bit Chinese

2 things that scare you
not having my own kids

2 of your everyday essentials
internet access
reading a novel

2 things you are wearing right now
striped tank top

2 of your favorite bands or musical artists (at the moment)
Alicia Keys

2 favorite songs (at the moment)
Unbreakable by Alicia Keys
That's All by Michael Buble

2 things you want in a relationship (other than real love)
sense of humor
open communication (you can talk about anything)

2 truths
I am in love!
I can be really OC.

2 physical things that appeal to you (in the opposite sex)
wonderful smile
eyes that draw you in

2 of your favorite hobbies
designing blog templates
reading, collecting books

2 things you want really badly
get pregnant
be with my husband

2 places you want to go on vacation

2 things you want to do before you die
raise a good family
see my grandkids!

2 ways that you are stereotypically a dude/chick
I'm a sucker for flowers.

2 things you are thinking about
wedding details
Joseph coming home next week

2 stores you shop at
Book Sale

2 people i would like to see take this quiz


i went out with friends from work for a little dinner and coffee at Greenbelt 3. they tried to mislead me that it was our friend Johann's birthday celebration. but me, being suspicious and all, couldn't quite fall into their teensy trap.

for one, i knew for a fact that Johann already treated them to lunch last week. so why would she do it all over again for the same group of people? something was just too fishy but i just played along. :)

L-R: Kathy, Johann, Janet, Vanessa & Me

soon enough, my friend Vanessa, revealed that it was actually their send off dinner for me. i was right. it wasn't actually a regular shower thing that you'd expect, but it turned out great nonetheless. besides, it's been a long time since we last went out for dinner. it was fun. thanks guys! :)



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