Wednesday, March 16, 2005

some good and not so good news...

i haven't been online much these past few days to keep our blog updated. my PC, although it just got back from the repair shop, still can't seem to work properly. i have to use my stepdad's PC for all my online needs. in my PC's case, i can't open my internet explorer and YM. my only consolation is that i can still use skype and joseph and i can talk for hours.


i'm off to my ob-gyne this afternoon. i'm getting my last dose of GnRH. finally! next month, i'm scheduled for an ultrasound to see if there has been any improvement in my condition. i should hope so, after all the expensive meds and nasty side-effects!


work has been sooooo toxic lately. i'm drowning in referrals and i have no more slots left in my schedule so that i can accomodate them. i'm still on the look-out for volunteers to help me with work load. it's a relief to have day offs in the middle of the week to get away from all the stress.


lalam, my kababata from kindergarten days, was in town recently for her interview at the Australian embassy in makati. she called me right after the interview to tell me the great news that she was granted her spouse visa immediately after the case officer interviewed her. the CO didn't even bother to look at her album of pictures. imagine that! only one-day processing! wow! i am sooo happy for her. she'll be flying out to melbourne to join her hubby after the holy week.

if it's that fast to apply and for them to process an Aussie visa these days, then i cannot wait to start our application in august. chances are, i'll be granted the visa even before our church wedding in december takes place. now that's cool! things are looking good.



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