Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Practical-ly Me

You Should Get a New Laptop

Let's be honest... you're not exactly the most romantic person in the world. And there's nothing wrong with that. Flowers, chocolates, and stuffed animals don't really do it for you. Your eyes only light up for a new toy. You are a bit of a geek, and traditional romance just isn't a priority for you. You find somewhat unusual things romantic. You'd prefer a laptop to an expensive piece of jewelry. At least you'd actually use the laptop!

LOL. I wouldn't mind getting a laptop. It would certainly be a terrific de-stresser for me right now so I would not end up thinking of where to get adult acne treatment. And yes, I am a geek and love my gadgets! I am definitely a practical person, and one who would not only want to receive practical gifts, but I insist on giving them too.



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