Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Still on Europe

Travelling to Germany and Austria is definitely on my itinerary for my dream tour of Europe. I've done a little surfing and here's what I found.

Let's talk about Germany first. Based on my research, here are just some of the top destinations that you must visit while in Germany: the Cologne Cathedral, King Ludwig II's Neuschwanstein castle, the Bavarian Alps, and the Black Forest among others. And if you're booked in one of the hotels in Berlin, make sure to explore Checkpoint Charlie where there is an exhibition on the history of the Berlin Wall.

Now for Austria. Checking into a one of the hotels in Vienna is a must because Vienna is a tourist destination. I'll make sure to visit the Museum of Fine Arts, the Wurstelprater, the imperial Schönbrunn palace, and the 252 meter tall Donauturm.

Note: For those looking to book hotels in Berlin and hotels in Vienna, you should know that there is also a German translated website for those who would rather view it in this Language.



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