Saturday, November 26, 2005

3 months na kami

amidst all the rush and excitement, it just dawned on me that today is our third monthsary as husband and wife. :)

having two wedding dates leaves us quite confused sometimes. we even greet each other every sixth of the month since that is our monthsary when we were still dating. i suppose it really isn't a dilemma. this actually just gives us more reasons to celebrate! ;)

Happy happy, Beh. :)


speaking of celebrations, i just want to congratulate two of our suppliers for making it to the Top 5 W@W Suppliers of the Year. Congrats to Mimi Abesamis (our photographer) and Veluz Reyes (my bridal gown designer)! Another round of applause please for Veluz for being the W@W Supplier of the Year! they so truly deserve it. :)



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