Sunday, January 23, 2005

year of the weddings?

hmmm... it just hit me that a lot of people i know will be marrying this year. ano ba to, year of the weddings? first of all, two of my closest friends in college will be taking the plunge this year. then two co-therapists from work will also be tying the knot soon. and then three of my relatives (2 cousins and 1 uncle) will also be walking down the aisle, even before me! not to mention me and the people in my egroup (w@w) pa. that's a handful! i suppose everbody is happy, contented and brave enough to take that BIG step forward in their relationships. well and good!


i just got word from my tito benjie that he will be accepting our invitation to be one of our ninongs. he was actually the last relative i asked because deep in my heart i knew he would gladly oblige us without batting an eyelash. after all, he is my godfather in baptism and is one of my mom's closest cousins. other relatives who have agreed to take part in our celebration in december are my tita sylvia, tita marina and lolo titing. the two aunts are both first cousins of my mom. lolo titing, on the other hand, is the younger brother of my maternal grandfather, lolo nene. all from the Yap clan. i'm quite excited because this'll be like a reunion of sorts.



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