Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Social Network

I saw TSN with hubby today. It wasn't on my to-watch list at all, but was eventually convinced to go and see it. It's amazing how the FB phenomenon has touched our lives in different ways.

Anyway, it was an interesting film, reflecting one of the many basic realities in life, where there is some truth to that saying that money is the root of evil. Everyone wanted to take a chunk out of the website's success, even with whatever little contribution that they have had.

Undoubtedly that guy Mark is a genius (at least for a nonprogrammer like me), with the almost instant success of his creation starting with a meager thousand bucks (to include managed web hosting and what not's). You've got to give credit also to his friend Eduardo. It's just too bad that their friendship was tainted in the process.

So what have you seen lately?



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