Sunday, June 21, 2009

Busy as always

I guess I can never say the word 'busy' enough these days. In fact, the word is an understatement. There's just so many things happening all at the same time.

I reckon a major contributor is work, with a colleague resigning a week ago, my workload has significantly increased, and I am still trying to get my head around the volume of things I need to know in order to perform well at work.

Apart from that, I am still of course a mom and wife who still has to tend to my family amidst all the craziness. Admittedly, there are days when I just want to escape and not do anything for just an hour. But even an hour is not enough. Yes I am whingeing, because there's really not much I can do about it, is there?

Alright time for me to check out some dog ramps. Hope you all have a good and stress-free week ahead.



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