Friday, May 2, 2008

Feast 189

It's the weekend already people! Hope you all have a good one. Enjoy! :D

What was your favorite cartoon when you were a child?
I loved cartoons when I was a kid. My parents bombarded me mainly with Disney classics. I also loved the Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake to name a few.

Pretend you are about to get a new pet. Which animal would you pick, and what would you name it?
Maybe a fish would be nice. Both J and I have bad allergies so anything with fur would be a no-no. I wouldn't know what to name a fish. I've never done that before. I'd probably name it based on it's color (like Goldy) for lack of a better idea. :P

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy getting all dressed up for a special occasion?
I think that would be an 8. I do like dressing up -- putting make-up, wearing jewelry, styling your hair, wearing heels. Things which I hardly do these days. We would have attended a formal occasion last weekend, but we were in Melbourne then.

Main Course
What kind of music do you listen to while you drive?
I have this nice compilation of crossover music which I love listening to whenever I go driving. R&B music would also be an option. I guess it depends on my mood.

When was the last time you bought a clock? And in which room did you put it?
It was last year. We bought a tiny one which could measure the room temperature. We placed it in our bedroom so we could monitor the temperature for the little girl.



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