Saturday, August 27, 2005

we're married!!!

i am now officially mrs. joseph. :)

we arrived on time for our appointment with the judge but only started the ceremony at 8:45 AM. the judge was actually late for 15 minutes so we were surprised that the whole thing was over in ten minutes. we didn't even get to say "I do." he was obviously in a hurry to get things done since he had a hearing scheduled at 9.

signing our marriage certificate

after the civil rites, we proceeded outside of the chambers for signing of the marriage certificate. Joseph's brother and sister-in-law were there to serve as our witnesses. Joseph's mom and my mom were also present. we just celebrated with an intimate dinner with both of our families. our family hosted the little party.

all in all, it was okay. very quick but definitely life-changing. i suppose it still hasn't sank in -- the thought that i am legally Joseph's wife now. it's probably because we still haven't chosen to live in together. we both decided to have the honeymoon after the wedding in December as it is more significant than our civil wedding.



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